Adventure Racing
Adventure Racing is a multi-sport team challenge. Teams of three or four people, depending on the race type and distance, travel together through a course that will challenge your physical and mental conditioning in an environment that demands teamwork, while providing lots of good, dirty, wet fun.
The 'adventure' in adventure racing involves the unexpected. No two races are the same: the race distance, order of events and terrain all change depending on the location and type of the race and, if that weren't enough, none of these details are revealed until race day.
How Does It Work?
Using an OS map and a few given clues, you have sevsral hours to collect as many control points as you can, almost all of them on or near bridle tracks.
You choose how you split up your time (though most people reckon on 2 hours running and 3 hours biking). Once you βdib inβ, you receive a set number of points, varying from 5 to 50. The winner, both of the race and the series, is whoever collects the most points.
Team Shirts
Team shirts add to the spirit of the event. If you're on a team, make up your own team name and a shirt to show the pride of your team.
We've seen some great shirts on many races. It makes the event all the more fun to run in a team. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just communicate the esprit de corps of your team.
Train Like You Run
Check it out yourself. Get into what you want to wear on race day, dressed in your favourite tracksuit and run across/up and down the river or beach.
Feel the weight of the water in your clothes, the weight of your shoes, the traction on the wet ground, the flexibility of your feet in your shoes. Make sure your shoes fit well, or suffering will follow.
Then wear Spandex or nylon leggings, lightweight top, tie your shoes double-knotted and socks tucked. Huge difference!
You don't see Marines running up the river with duct tape on their feet, do you? Usually, they're wearing boots and greens. So get with it, get tough.
Post Race
In the event you want to get cleaned up, don't forget a quick change of clothes (cotton sweats are OK here!).
The post race festivities are meant to be fun. You don't have to remain muddy and wet.